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CSR Report Certification

If you’ve compiled your CSR, ESG or Sustainability report you need to ensure that you have the data and campaigns audited and certified.

If you’re still a way off publishing your CSR and sustainability report and need help setting out your reporting data, writing and publishing it then we can help you create your CSR Report from scratch. This is our bread and butter at CSR Management and we can help you from start to finish.  

Without independent auditing an organisation may reduce the value and investment made with social, environmental and sustainability initiatives. CSR Management can add value by bringing a qualified external perspective to audit and certify the entire report.  

CSR Management can:

  • Identify risks, missing information and misstatements. 
  • Identify appropriate data sampling 
  • Conduct any interviews necessary with key stakeholders
  • Ensure that content is aligned with the values, goals and objectives of the organization and CSR strategy. 
  • Ensure that the report is balanced and fair. 
  • Keep the audience in mind and produce simple summaries or detailed analysis.
  • Align the report to the UN’s sustainable development goals. 
  • Certify to GRI international standards 

CSR Management use the GRI sustainability standards and the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for assessment in addition to our proprietary CSR Management Reporting Standards. 

These standards combined will be used to hold organisations to account for their CSR reporting on an annual basis. 

Let’s start the conversation.

We’d love to show you how we can help. Call 03337722344 or e-mail info@csrmanagement.org.

Schedule a Meeting with a CSR & Sustainability Expert or fill in the form below and we will be in touch to discuss your enquiry.