photo of women at the meeting

CSR Training

Any effective CSR and sustainability strategy must have “buy-in” from your employees. Our CSR and Sustainability training sessions will help you ensure that your employees are fully aware of your CSR strategy. We will also educate them on what they can be doing on a personal level to help the company achieve it’s CSR goals.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

For your CSR Strategy to have the maximum impact you need two things: 

  1. A CSR leader who is trained to execute your CSR strategy
  2. An engaged workforce who will help to maximise the impact of your CSR strategy    

Across two training sessions we will work firstly with your senior team or your CSR leader then with your wider workforce to ensure that your employees are fully engaged and involved in your CSR strategy. 

We provide training for any organisation that wants to: 

  • Implement a CSR and Sustainability strategy 
  • Increase employee engagement in the company CSR strategy. 
  • Improve awareness of sustainable living.
  • Create a sustainable office environment. 
  • Receive professional accreditation

Our training courses are delivered by qualified CSR Management Consultants. This training course aims to help organisations understand how they can create a CSR policy that supports environmental, workplace, community and philanthropic issues and how they can work in ways that deliver positive outcomes as a united team.  

Attendees will develop full awareness of why CSR adds clear benefits to your organisation and how these can be incorporated into day-to-day business practice. 

Using successful examples of CSR in practice attendees will understand why taking care of people and the planet also takes care of profits. 

The course covers the following: 

  1. What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
  2. The benefits of CSR
  3. The 6 pillars of CSR
  4. Legal frameworks 
  5. Industry specific CSR
  6. Best CSR and Sustainability Case Studies
  7. Creating a CSR Strategy
  8. CSR Communications
  9. CSR Accreditations

Attendees will receive:

  • Presentation Notes 
  • CSR Policy Template
  • Sustainable Living book 
  • Certificate of Training for CPD
  • CSR Management Brochure 
  • CSR Management Sustainable Office Kit 

2 day course (2 x 5 hours), 20 people max – £2500. 

We can also offer a range of IRCA, CQI ASI and CPD accredited training.

CSR and Sustainability Training from CSR Management is tailored to your organisation. Less death-by-powerpoint and more learn-by-doing. Your teams will be fully motivated to deliver your CSR goals by the end of our CSR training. 

Let’s start the conversation.

We’d love to show you how we can help. Call 03337722344 or e-mail

Schedule a Meeting with a CSR & Sustainability Expert or fill in the form below and we will be in touch to discuss your enquiry.